Lead Gens: Obliterate Your Cost Per Lead, Then Get ChatGPT to Qualify & Book Them Into Appointments Like Jordan Belfort

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I’d like to introduce you to Mr. AI.

He wasn’t always Mr. AI though.

…generating leads for lawyers.

He was a regular lead gen guy, like the rest of us...

Keen for his leads to be sh!t hot

…he spent months battling the Facebook Gods, and tweaking his targeting, funnel and creatives.

Only to get hit with client emails like this, all too often:

"Can we put a stop to the leads please, the quality is just not there"

So he did a bit of digging…

It turns out these clued-up lawyers weren’t great at answering the phone fast, and weirdly had a hard time qualifying their own customers.

Good-quality prospects were being thrown away.

Leads were sitting around going cold and Mr. AI was getting an ear-bashing, even though he wasn’t at fault.

Around the same time, ChatGPT-3 was released and Mr. AI got super curious!

Could he get AI to understand if someone qualified for an offer, based on the information it was fed?

Figuring it out, was no picnic!

But Mr. AI is a resourceful chap, he watched a ton of YT videos, and finally figured out how to build this new qualifier.

These were the results:

Bookings skyrocketed!

And the cost to generate each lead fell through the floor.

This AI-driven double opt-in ensures clients only speak with 100% qualified prospects, meaning they’re some of the strongest quality leads in the market.

Clients were calling him saying:

These leads were from FB Lead ads too!

By feeding OpenAI with the criteria gathered from the FB lead form, it INSTANTLY digests this information and assesses whether or not a prospect qualifies for ANY service.

Think Solar, think Personal Injury, think Life Insurance, think Mortgage & Finance.

All the big lead gen verticals, that have qualification criteria.

The AI then communicates back with the lead providing detailed answers as to whether they qualify and why…

Those that qualify are then invited to book an appointment, and sent a link.

Because they have been told they qualify, and are told the reasons why, show up rates are “off the charts”.

So, how is this different?

If you’ve ever tried to use service bots and SMS automation before...

You’ll know you need to create large, complex workflows which have limited capabilities and responses.

A bunch of IF this, then do THAT.

Even then... if an ‘invalid answer’ is given the dumb-bot goes haywire, gives a nonsensical response and reveals itself.

Leaving the prospect feeling cheated and back to square one.

By laying out a set of instructions, called prompts, the AI knows that its main objective is to qualify and book an appointment, and it will not stop until it does.

It will not have a sick day.

It will not go on a bender.

It will not smash up a lambo and send you the bill.

The AI has access to the full conversation and as a result will SMS and email back and forth with prospects.

We can even ask our Android to mimic Jordan Belfort’s (AKA The Wolf Of Wall Street) sales techniques and philosophy.

Like this:

Try as you might, you won’t hit that annoying feedback loop we all despair from other dumb-bots.

It means you will be able to immediately charge more.

But here’s the real ‘value add’...

Cheaper, better quality leads that actually convert for your clients.

The result for your agency?

What it can do is the majority of the heavy lifting for your clients, freeing up their time (and their sales team’s) for things like DELIVERING THEIR SERVICE!

...you will be HERO to their business now you know how to solve their ‘speed to lead’ issues.

They are gonna listen to you to help solve other lead gen related issues for them.

Think upsell... More leads... Other AI solutions.

Maybe even a new CRM? (hint hint SaaS resellers!)


We're handing over the controls to our Click & Deploy Sales Android

Like Mr AI, you can SLASH CPL’s by 65% whilst TRIPLING lead quality by deploying this into your client’s business immediately.

Our video walkthroughs and downloadable ‘snapshot’ means you can power up your own AI sales machine, without needing a degree in computer science.

And instead of spending close to 372 hours figuring this out yourself, or paying $1000s for a developer to build it all for you...

...you can have yours up and running in less than an hour.

You’ll also get a front row seat in our Prompt Writing MASTERCLASS.

Which includes our secret sauce ‘copy and paste’ prompt, to get you going.

Like dealing with an unruly teenager, an android going rogue will leave you red-faced.

Both need teaching right from wrong!

Educating your ‘AI’s brain’ with our prompt gives it the direction and know-how it needs...

Preventing your Sales Android from going off the rails

Now, like a proud parent...

You're going to want to show it to clients

Our “OFFER SPINNER” will help do what I call the ‘humble brag’ with clients.

...resulting in them whipping out their credit cards and increasing order volumes within minutes of the emails or SMS being sent out.

Kinda like this:

I have never seen a faster way for lead gens to add an extra 5 figs to their weekly revenue, and that was BEFORE they had “AI” to supercharge their offer.

No one else is doing this to hook, qualify and book appointments right now.

And after putting our heads together, we’ve made it so easy for you to get in on the AI action.

Plus, you’ll get access to these BONUSES...

* Swiftly overcome technical headaches with access to our BONUS Troubleshooting call with Mr. AI, Dan and Flexxable’s own tech geek. Iron out the kinks here so you can deploy your Sales Android as soon as.

** Supercharge your Android with our Prompt Writing MASTERCLASS. Without the right instructions, your Sales Android is going to draw a complete blank or spin off the rails. After this bonus class you’ll know exactly what to tell OpenAI.

*** Time Limited Offer - How to white label your new Sales Android, and ‘rent it out’ for recurring monthly income. We have peeps renting them out for anywhere between $397 and $2,500 per month, on top of their inflated lead orders.

**** Benefit from ongoing support by joining our invite only private group called the AI AUTOMATION AGENCY NINJAS where you can get direct feedback from the experts, including Mr. AI, ask questions and take advantage from tech-geeks who actually do have computer science degrees!

***** NEW BONUS: Let clients sell themselves with access to our B2C Sales Androids in Personal Injury. Imagine how impressed clients will be when they get first hand experience of how an Android qualifies a lead, according to case law. Don't have lawyer clients? Don’t worry! We show you the tweaks you can make, to get this working in the Solar Niche niche too. This can be duped for any home improvement offer.


For those of you that are ready to get your own Android working ASAP.

I’m giving you a leg up.

For those of you that already have HighLevel...

...this one's on me too.

All you have to do is:

If you want a taste of the AI Lead Gen life?

To your success,


P.S – If you’ve still got questions? I’ve had a go at answering them here for you ==> FAQs

We're handing over the controls to our
Click & Deploy Sales Android

Unlike “The Wolf” this works 24/7, 365, and doesn’t crash lambos or go on drug-fueled benders either.

But, how does it all work?

For those of you who book appointments from ads will have noticed a "problem" though?

Not all leads that QUALIFIED to book a call, will actually book.

They aren’t ready.

Life gets in the way.

If your clients haven’t got sales staff to mop up?

Unfortunately, those leads are on the long road to nowhere.

Mr. AI saw this problem… and weighed up his options.

So seeking safety in comfort and forking over 5 figures a month, was not a choice at all!!!

Mr. AI realized he didn't want to be hitting retirement and still be paying off his house...

But, the amount he was wasting daily could easily clear his mortgage each month with enough spare to shave YEARS off the amount he owes.

...while he got poorer every time he raised their CPCs and CPMs again.

He could just keep paying more to “Zuck” each day, to get more qualified appointments, but still more qualified but didn’t book leads...

One of his options was to do nothing.

Mr. AI could hire a salesperson to help work the “qualified, but didn’t book” leads.

At $15/hour for 40 hours/week. That’s $600/week or $31,200 per year.

That’s more costs coming out of his own pocket

...and then he’s still got to train them.

Plus, asking highly-skilled, expensive workers to do boring follow ups felt like a huge waste.

Instead, Mr. AI needed something that would follow up like clockwork, day in and day out.

Until the prospect says “NO”.

And would be available 24/7.

Even the most committed salesperson couldn’t fit the bill.

He pondered: “Dammit! I just WISH I could get Jordan Belfort to do my follow-up & closing”

Then it struck him.

He could...

...by simply telling AI that’s what he wanted.

It really is that easy.

So, he went out and built a Robotic Sales Android that mimics The Wolf Of Wall Street!!!

If you don’t fancy handing over $800/week to hire an extra salesperson…

But think that getting an Android working properly, without costly glitches

...sounds like a lot to figure out.

You’d be right.

To do this on your own, from a standing start is no small task.

Some of you tech-heads might be up for the challenge of developing your own Android?

That’s totally cool.

But, if you’d like to skip all that...

Why don’t I just give you the Sales Android we’ve already built?

It will need a bit of tweaking to make it pop for your offer and niche

After that...

You’ll be leaps ahead of your competition, in the race to implement AI.

You’re going to get everything you need to build your own ‘Click & Deploy Sales Android’

Step-By-Step, and it’s 100% free for ya.

Heads up though, this is only going to work in a CRM we use and love called HighLevel.

To get started all you’ve got to do is:

That means, you can build your very own Android for nothing, and if it doesn’t get the same results for you as it did for Mr AI, you can cancel your free trial.

But the good news is, you get a free 30 day trial as a friend of mine.

Wait a few mins, and then check your inbox for an email (maybe spam folder if it hasn't arrived) that looks like this 👇👇👇 for full access. Simples.

Grab it pronto.

(I reserve the right to pull this 100% free offer at any time)

Which is why we’re super privileged that Mr. AI agreed to share his entire Click & Deploy Sales Android setup.



We're handing over the controls to our
Click & Deploy Sales Android

Booking Rate: 

Show Rate:





Booking Rate: 

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“Dude, what have you changed? We will take as many as these as you can sell us!”

Join my AI Automation Agency Ninjas community

Follow these these instructions

